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Important Material from the Civil Case Involving the Discrimination and Unconstitutionality of the US District Court for the Northern District of Florida

Pertinent Docket
###PDFLink to PageDescription
101logoAdobeCivil ComplaintCivil Complaint charging USFLND with discrimination and constitutional violations
102logoAdobeResponse to MTD (#1)Plaintiff's Response in Opposition to Defendant Schreiber's Motion to Dismiss
103logoAdobeResponse to MTD (#2)Plaintiff's Response in Opposition to Defendant Fitzpatrick's Motion to Dismiss
104logoAdobeObjectionsObjections filed against the report & recommendation (dismissal)
105logoAdobeObjections #2Objections filed against the report & recommendation (sanctions)
106logoAdobeNotice of AppealNotice of Appeal (sanctions)
107logoAdobeJudicial Notice #1Plaintiff's Motion for Judicial Notice (USFLND's Discriminatory)
108logoAdobeJudicial Notice #2Plaintiff's Motion for Judicial Notice (Schreiber's Lies)
109logoAdobeOpening BriefPlaintiff's/Appellant's Opening Brief
110logoAdobeReply BriefPlaintiff's/Appellant's Reply Brief
111logoAdobeJudicial Notice #3Plaintiff's Motion for Judicial Notice (USCA11's material falsehoods)
112logoAdobeRehearingPlaintiff's Petition for Rehearing (USCA11's material falsehoods)
Get booked up on holding public officials accountable for their unconstitutional (and discriminatory) acts.

You should take this into account when you litigate your civil rights case; especially if you're in the Northern District of Florida.

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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