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Important Material from the Civil Case Involving the Perjury from Edward Gary Early (A Florida Judge)

Basics (All-in-One, etc.)
###PDFLink to PageDescription
001DownloadablesDownloadablesRead/Download the most pertinent case files in this perjury-based lawsuit
002DownloadablesVideoWatch the video outlining the facts in the Hon. E. Gary Early perjury saga
Pertinent Docket
###PDFLink to PageDescription
101ComplaintCivil ComplaintCivil Complaint that a Floridian filed against the Hon. E. Gary Early
102OpeningBriefOpening's Brief #1The Appellant/Civilian's Opening Brief at the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals
103OpinionVacatingOpinion (Vacate)USCA11's Opinion/Order to Vacate USFLND's Order of Dismissal
104AmendedComplaintAmended ComplaintAmended Civil Complaint that a Floridian filed against the Hon. E. Gary Early
105--First ImpressionDocket Entry showing the Court of Appeals designating this as a Case of First Impression
106ResponseDismissResponse to MTDPlaintiff's Response in Opposition to Defendant Judge Early's Motion to Dismiss
107OpeningBriefOpening Brief #2Appellant's Opening Appellate Brief combatting Immunity, Due Process Violations, and more
108ReplyBriefReply BriefAppellant's Reply Brief combatting Immunity, Due Process Violations, and more
109CertiorariCertiorariAppellant's 'Petition for a Writ of Certiorari' combatting Immunity, Due Process Violations, and more
Get booked up on holding state officers accountable for their unconstitutional acts.

You should take this into account when you litigate your employment discrimination case.

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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