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Icon-UpArrow Buy™ Samples - Subpoenas (FL)

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Cost = 500 Book Points (per document)

Duval County (FL)
001logoAdobe✓ Issued. TBD case. Pro se Filing. Based on template. Disability Notice.iconPriceTag
002logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. Uncommon form. iconPriceTag
003logoAdobe✓ Issued. Pro se Filing. Handwritten. Attached Certificate of Indigency. iconPriceTag
004logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. Fill in Form. Complaint attached. 2011. iconPriceTag
005logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. Fill in Form. Very brief. iconPriceTag
006logoAdobe✓ Issued. Pro se Filing. Personal Service on an Individual. Handwritten. 2014.iconPriceTag
007logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. 2014. Very brief. iconPriceTag
008logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. 2015. Uncommong format. iconPriceTag
009logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. 2016. Very brief. iconPriceTag
010logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. 2016. Disability Notice.iconPriceTag
011logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. 2016. Multilingual.iconPriceTag
012logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. 2016. Short. iconPriceTag
013logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. Personal service on a corporation. + SpanishiconPriceTag
014logoAdobe✓ Issued. Personal Service on an Individual. Fill-in Form. + SpanishiconPriceTag
015logoAdobe✓ Issued. Attorney's Filing. Multilingual. 2020.iconPriceTag


T01iconMSWordReplace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe").iconPriceTag
Congratulations! You're getting booked up on these sample State Court Summonses!

You can use them to help correct errors/injustices from lower tribunals.

For instance, some of them might help you recover from the damages that lawbreaking organizations/judges/lawyers/agencies have inflicted upon you [and/or the public] (see this example of a Florida judge who outright committed perjury).

  • buy/use as many of these templates as you'd like;
  • please stay vigilant; and – as always –
  • please get the justice that you deserve.

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