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Icon-UpArrow Buy™ Samples - Motions for Rehearing

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Cost = 500 Book Points (per document)

Cases from the Supreme Court of Florida (SCFL)
101logoAdobe✔ 2019 | granted; attorney filing; attorney licensing; corrected order; suspension;iconPriceTag
102logoAdobe✔ 2018 | granted; attorney filing; ambiguous wording; failure to rehear would set a chilling precedent;iconPriceTag
103logoAdobe✔ 2017 | granted; attorney filing; attorney licensing; clarify ordericonPriceTag
104logoAdobe✔ 2017 | granted; attorney filing; consent judgment; guilty plea; attorney licensing;iconPriceTag
105logoAdobe✔ 2017 | granted; attorney filing; probation violation; suspension; iconPriceTag
106logoAdobe✔ 2017 | granted; attorney filing; clerical mistake; judicial oversight; wrong case;iconPriceTag
107logoAdobe✔ 2017 | granted; attorney filing; intellectual disability; flynn effecticonPriceTag
108logoAdobe✔ 2017 | granted; attorney filing; great format; intellectual disability; bar to execution; overlooked points of fact;iconPriceTag
109logoAdobe✔ 2016 | granted; attorney filing; acquittal timing (before vs after [jury verdict])iconPriceTag
110logoAdobe✔ 2016 | granted; attorney filing; bill of costs;iconPriceTag
111logoAdobe✔ 2016 | granted; attorney filing; reinstatement of bar license;iconPriceTag
112logoAdobe✔ 2015 | granted; attorney filing; overlooked fact; correct proposaliconPriceTag
113logoAdobe✔ 2015 | granted; attorney filing; binding appellate precedent; conflict with USSC; iconPriceTag
114logoAdobe✔ 2015 | granted; attorney filing; constructive possession; jury instructionsiconPriceTag
115logoAdobe✔ 2015 | granted; attorney filing; attorney reinstatementiconPriceTag
116logoAdobe✔ 2013 | granted; attorney filing; jury award; remittituriconPriceTag
117logoAdobe✔ 2013 | granted; attorney filing; intellectual disability; silent on remaining claims;iconPriceTag
118logoAdobe✔ 2013 | granted; attorney filing; ineffective assistance of counsel; good citations;iconPriceTag
119logoAdobe✔ 2008 | granted; attorney filing; bad footnote; clerk's authority;iconPriceTag


901iconMSWordDOAH | Note: replace placeholder tags with real information (eg, "[plfNm]" becomes "John Doe")iconPriceTag
Congratulations! You're getting booked up on these sample Motions for Rehearing!

You can use them to help correct errors/injustices from lower tribunals.

For instance, some of them might help you recover from the damages that lawbreaking organizations/judges/lawyers/agencies have inflicted upon you [and/or the public] (see this example of a Florida judge who outright committed perjury).

  • buy/use as many of these templates as you'd like;
  • please stay vigilant; and – as always –
  • please get the justice that you deserve.

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