Florida Supreme Court
# | Type | Description | ₧ |
1 | | establish consistency and eliminate gratuitous variation | |
2 | | equal protection; disparate treatment betweens plaintiffs and defendants; cited 967 case; cited Worley case; strong argument for "great public importance"; discussion on witness bias (financial motives from law firm/insurance companies); misapplied law = express conflict ("apparent conflict") | |
3 | | stricken; attached the DCA opinion | |
4 | | DCA reversed its own opinion (see Page 5) | |
5 | | stricken; Respondent's response to jurisdictional brief | |
6 | | no requirement to provide jurisdictional briefs in CGI cases (see page 5) | |
7 | | cited 967 case (Level Playing Field); cited Finkelstein case; Court can rephrase/reformula a certified question; good explanation of prohibition writs (pages 16-18); good citation for circuit court superiority over county court | |
8 | | nice format; statistical summary of prevalence (page 5); | |
9 | | class of state officers = supervisors of elections | |
# | Link | Comments | ₧ |
T01 | | Official Form for writing a Petition for Writ of Certiorari. | Free |
T02 | | Replace all of the placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |
T11 | | Petition | Replace all placeholder tags with real data (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |
T12 | | Appendix | Replace all placeholder tags with real data (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |
T21 | | Petition | Replace all placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |
T22 | | Appendix | Replace all placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |
T31 | | Petition | Replace all placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |
T32 | | Appendix | Replace all placeholder tags with real information (eg "[plfName]" becomes "John Doe"). | |