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Analysis of FCHR Commission Voting

votes of concurrence votes of dissent
graph of FCHR commission voting commissioner appearances total payout 1,203 60,150
Fact: 99.52% of all commission votes have agreed with the FCHR staffmember's suggested decision.

Fact: FCHR commissioners have cast 5,783 votes since 1/1/2000 (disclaimer).

Takeaway #1: FCHR Commissioners rubber-stamp whatever the agency's legal advisor sends them.

Takeaway #2: FCHR Commissioners have even rubber-stamped clearcut perjury (see Makere v Early).

Additional: These numbers can be further analyzed by:

(a) case type;
(b) year;
(c) commissioner;
(d) governor;
(e) executive director; and
(f) legal advisor.


Congratulations! You're now booked up on what to expect from FCHR Commission votes!

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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