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Analysis of FCHR Commission Voting | By Executive Director

Numeric Form (#,###)
Percent Form (%)

### Year C D Total
501Ronald M. McElrath21021
502Derick Daniel3,285123,297
503Larry Kranert/Michelle Wilson1170117
504Michelle Wilson1,60221,604
505Cheyanne Costilla73014744
### Year C D Total
501Ronald M. McElrath100.00%0.00%100.00%
502Derick Daniel99.64%0.36%100.00%
503Larry Kranert/Michelle Wilson100.00%0.00%100.00%
504Michelle Wilson99.88%0.12%100.00%
505Cheyanne Costilla98.12%1.88%100.00%
"C" = votes of concurrence
"D" = votes of dissent

* Almost all of Ronald M. McElrath's regime is missing from this dataset (please see disclaimer)
graph of FCHR commission voting by executive director Analysis: Almost all commissioner discretion occurred under directors Daniel and Costilla (26 out of 28 dissenting votes)

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Congratulations! You're now booked up on what to expect from FCHR Commission votes!

Keep this in mind while you litigate your civil rights case in Florida. Also, keep in mind the FCHR's statutory ability to accept bribes.

Plus - at all times - keep the 7th Amendment of the US Constitution (your right to a trial-by-jury) in mind.

As always, please get the justice you deserve.


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