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Analysis of FCHR Case Outcomes

###Link to PageDescription
000SummaryOverall analysis of FCHR Case outcomes
001DisclaimerShortcomings & Limitations on the underlying data.
002DefinitionsData glossary for the terms used in this analysis.
003Underlying DataThe underlying data that TBD tabulated for this analysis.
I | Medium-Level Analysis
###Link to PageDescription
101By Case TypeHow FCHR Case Outcomes vary by case type (ie, eee, hou, etc.).
102By ChargeHow FCHR Case Outcomes vary by charged basis (ie, age, col, etc.)
103By DeterminationHow investigative determinations impact FCHR Case Outcomes (ie, 'cause' vs 'no cause').
104By RepresentationHow legal representation impact FCHR Case Outcomes (ie, 'with attorney' vs 'without attorney').
105By RetaliationHow retaliation charges impact FCHR Case Outcomes (ie, 'with' vs 'without' [retaliation]).
106By YearHow FCHR Case Cutcomes vary by calendar year.
II | Granular-Level Analysis
###Link to PageDescription
301By AgeGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's age
302By ColorGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's skin color
303By DisabilityGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's disability
304By Familial StatusGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's familial status
305By Marital StatusGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's marital status
306By National OriginGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's national origin
307By RaceGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's race
308By ReligionGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's religion
309By SexGranular analysis of how FCHR cases vary with the plaintiff's sex/gender
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