• TBD produced this analysis. • TBD tabulated this data. • TBD published this analysis on this website for ease-of-use/ease-of-access.
Last Update (8/31/23)
TBD's underlying database for this analysis has records up-to-and-including August 31, 2023.
Shortcomings & Limitations
Timeframe: | the underlying data for this analysis only encompasses the years 1979 through the present. Actual agency determinations, however, date back another decade. |
Manual Tabulation: | the underlying data for this analysis was manually tabulated. Therefore, there is risk that oversights & errors are present (eg., a 'Cause' determination got mistakenly charted as an 'OOT'). |
Data Spike: | there is a lot more data for the period 2000-present (compared to the period 1979-1999 ). TBD contends that this is a function of digitized recordkeeping. |
Scarce Demographics: | Some of the demographics analysis suffers from a small population size. Reason: most complainants do not list all of their demographic traits. Usually, they only identify the traits in which they’re filing charges on (ie, they’ll list their age if they’ve filed an Age Discrimination complaint [see ADA]). |
See Something, Say Something
Please Contact TBD if you spot anything that looks awry.