Making up 80% of all FCHR cases (3,781/4,739).
Fact #2: Public Accommodations cases receive a different distribution of 'cause' determinations than other types of cases.25% of cases of public accommodations discrimination result in a cause determination (59/235). While only 11% of all other types of cases receive that determination.
Takeaway #1: When the compensatory damages are lower, the FCHR is more apt to rule in favor of the complainant.
Evidenced by the fact that cases of public accommodations discrimination seek primarily nominal/small financial damages. Coupled with the reality that such defendants are more likely to ignore the investigation (thereby making a ‘cause’ determination more probable).
Supported by the fact that the FCHR brags about saving defendants “millions” of dollars (by avoiding legal fees in federal/state court).
Additional: These numbers can be further analyzed by:
(a) charge;
(b) demographics (eg, age, dis, etc.).; and
(c) year;