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Demographics Analysis of Civil Rights Litigants (DOAH)

###Link to PageDescription
000All-in-OneWebpage containing all of the analyzed pieces [from below] in one document.
001DisclaimerShortcomings & Limitations on the underlying data.
002Underlying DataThe underlying data that TBD tabulated for this analysis.
By Protected Characteristic
###Link to PageDescription
101AgeAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Age
102ColorAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Color
103DisabilityAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Disability
104Familial StatusAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Familial Status
105Marital StatusAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Marital Status
106National OriginAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by National Origin
107RaceAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Race
108ReligionAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Religion
109SexAnalyze DOAH's Civil Rights Demographics by Sex
Get booked up on Civil Rights Demographics at DOAH!

Keep this in mind throughout your pursuit of justice in Florida's Executive Branch of Government


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