Making up 81% of all cases (3,776/4,668).
Fact #2: The distribution of charged bases varies significantly across the different case types.For instance:
i. Race Discrimination, Retaliation, and Sex Discrimination are the three most common charges in employment discrimination cases. However, disability discrimination, race discrimination, and national origin discrimination compile the top-three for housing discrimination cases.
ii. Retaliation (which is the 2nd most common charge in employment discrimination cases) is rather mild for housing discrimination cases. And it’s almost non-existent for public accommodation cases.
Takeaway #2: the difference in the distribution of charges speaks to the sincerity of the complaints. In other words, people don’t just willy-nilly complain of discrimination.
This is evidenced by the fact that retaliation charges are prevalent in employment discrimination cases (sparked by the coercive powers of an employer), yet almost non-existent in other types of cases (eg, public accommodations).
Additional: TBD has deeper analysis for retaliation (click here).